The Post Office have started a 6 week public consultation on the service re-opening of Grampound Post Office. The hosted service will be at the Town Hall, Fore Street, Grampound, TR2 4RR. The opening hours will be 10:00 - 13:30, Tuesdays and Fridays.
says Colin Pound, Field Change Advisor for Post Office Limited. He goes on to say,
Please feel free to send you comments. The details Colin gives are:
mail: FREEPOST PO Consultation
(Please note this is the full address and needs no further address details)
telephone: Customer helpline 08457 22 33 44, Textphone 08457 22 33 55
"regrettably, due to circumstances beyond our control the above branch will close temporarily at 17:30 on Monday 23 December 2013"

"We're now starting a 6 week public consultation and would like you to tell us what you think about the suitability of the proposed new location of the service. Before we finalise our plans, we would really like to hear your views on this proposal particularly on the following areas:The consultation ends on 7th February 2014 and the proposed month of opening the new Post Office is March 2014.
- How suitable you think the new location and premises are?
- Do you have any comments on the proposed days and opening hours?
- How easy is it to get there?
- Are the new premises easy for you to get into and is the inside easily accessible?
- Do you have any concerns about the new location?
- If so, do you have any suggestions that could help us make it better for you?
- Are there any local community issues which you think could be affected by the proposed move?
If you have any comments or questions, please email or write to me via our Communication and Consultation team"
- Is there anything you particularly like about the proposed change?
Please feel free to send you comments. The details Colin gives are:
mail: FREEPOST PO Consultation
(Please note this is the full address and needs no further address details)
telephone: Customer helpline 08457 22 33 44, Textphone 08457 22 33 55