Monday, 23 September 2013

Garlenick Turbines Community Fund

Nominations are sought for advisory panel members to help distribute up to £65,000 in funds in the next year and then £15,000 each following year.

5 people from Grampound with Creed will join the Cornwall Councillor and a Council member nominated by the Parish Council to form a panel of 7.

If you are interested in making sure that good local projects are supported, please put yourself forward. Write to the Clerk before 5 pm on Friday 11th October 2013. It would help if you provide some words (250 max) saying why you think that you should be one of the members of the panel. Should more than 5 wish to join then a postal ballot in late October will be conducted by the Parish Council.

How the community fund process will work (who does what?):

1) An application is made by an individual or an organisation. This would normally be through an online form.

2) The application is screened for eligibility. e.g. it must benefit the community of Grampound with Creed.

3) All applications for which payment could be made are passed to the Advisory Panel for consideration.

4) Payments to successful applicants and the appropriate financial returns and monitoring are completed.

There are opportunities for applications to be revised if they don't meet the criteria or the advisory panel feels they should not be prioritised or paid in full.

As you can see the Advisory Panel has an important, community-led function. Grantscape is a national charity appointed by Airvolution to administer the fund.

Additional detail is available on Cllr. Bob Egerton's website.