Thursday, 17 October 2013

Advisory Panel published

The Garlenick Turbines Community Fund Advisory panel nominees have been published on the Grampound with Creed Parish Council website. (PDF)

The details are also posted below for easy reference.

Candidates for the Garlenick Turbines Community Fund Advisory Panel

Important dates:
closing date for nominations 11th October 2013
closing date for postal votes 8th November 2013

Further information
Buchan, Victoria
I have lived in the village for 6 years and have been looking for an opportunity to get involved with things. I have a keen interest in environmental issues and, as we have a young daughter, I am conscious of making the immediate and wider world around her a greener, more sustainable one. The fund being made available offers huge opportunities for our village and parish both in terms of environmental projects and community ventures and it would be an honour to be involved in the decision making process.
Coode, Bryan
It may not be an easy task to be on this panel, but in the spirit of public service I would be interested in pursuing a nomination if others felt it appropriate and the structure was workable.
Qualifications centre on experience of charities and diligence procedures. In the last 13 years this includes:
  1. Cornwall Garden Society Chairman and currently Vice President responsible for charitable funding.
  2. Trebah Gardens – Trustee for 2 years
  3. Falmouth University Governor for 8 years
  4. Cornwall Gardens Trust Trustee for three years
  5. Objective One £1.5 million funding of Cornish Gardens Vice and acting Chair – 3 years
  6. PCC member for 3 years
  7. Vice Chairman of the PCC
  8. National Lobster Hatchery Chairman for 3 years and current
  9. Cornwall County Chairman of National Garden Scheme in 2014.
Digby, Bob
I grew up in Grampound and returned to live in Old Hill six years ago. Just as it was when I was growing up here, Grampound is a working community first and foremost, and with mixed ages and needs. Distribution of Community Funds should reflect that, benefiting everyone from families with young children to older members of the community. Whether funds are spent on the enhancement of play areas, on community spaces used by a wide variety of clubs and groups in and around the Village Hall, or in maintaining footpaths in the parish, everyone who lives here should have a voice, and I would seek the distribution of funds in ways that benefit as many as possible. The loss of the village shop in recent months means that the village sadly lacks one of its focal points, so the use of funds that help to restore a sense of community should be a driving factor and one that I would support. As well as having led charitable work in the three schools in which I taught, I've worked for charities at a national level for the Geographical Association, and bring an ability to listen and cooperate widely with others. If elected to the Panel, I'll look forward to using this experience for the benefit of the village.
Hardaker, Peter
I have been involved in the community of Grampound with Creed for almost 40 years, serving on many village organisations. During my term as Chairman of the Parish Council, I was part of a process, through Parish Planning, to identify the changing needs of our community. The speed of change is accelerating and I feel that I might be in a position, through my knowledge of the village, experience and involvement in business and sustainable community development, to add value to this process.
I am not involved in the management of any village organisation at this time and feel that I have no conflict of interest and could offer impartial and fair assessment of applications.
Hodgson, Geoff
I worked for Barclays Bank around Devon and Cornwall for 25 years then after retiring helped my wife run an antiques furniture business here in Grampound.
Having lived in Grampound for 20 years and knowing many of the residents, if elected I hope to bring balanced, objective opinions to aid decision making.
Paynter, Roger
My reasons for wishing to become a member of the Committee are:
  1. I have spent my adult life living, working for, and generally enjoying this beautiful village and the people who live here.
  2. The money to be available as a result of the turbines can, if used wisely, do great good here, and my dedication to everything Grampound will I hope help me to fairly consider the best interests of the village in its allocation.
  3. The ‘green aspects’ in our lives are of great importance, but beyond that the existence over a great number of years of so many worthwhile Grampound organisations, providing for all sorts of needs within our community, deserve proper consideration when funds from the scheme are divided. I shall hope to be a voice supporting all of them on their merits.
  4. My voluntary work for many years serving with your Parish Council, Sports & Carnival Committee, Football Club and as Editor of your village newspaper The Grampound Times for the past 20 years, do I hope justify my proud claim to be a Grampound man with a real desire to see the best results for use of the funds soon to be available.
Sloan, Jane
I am standing for a place on this advisory group because:
  1. I belong to a number of different and varied groups in the village so I am in a good position to know and understand their various needs and problems.
  2. I believe we build our community through voluntary effort, giving and helping practically and by fund raising. I also know that at times the various needs will be met through grant aide. This should be when the need is greater or more urgent than our ability to raise the money through our own efforts. I strongly believe that there should be a balance and that any grant must benefit the village as a whole not undermine what we can do though our own efforts.
  3. I feel that many people in the village know me and are happy to let me have their views
Tank, Tommy
I have had a property in the village for the last 13 years, despite living and working abroad for the last 12. During that period I have come and gone but have made many friends in the village and gained a good understanding of what life in Grampound is all about. I feel that I have a lot to offer to the panel: I spent 18 years as an Officer in the RAF, plus another 12 years with the Royal Saudi Air Force, I have lived in 11 different places both in the UK and overseas. Travel has given me the opportunity to live within many different communities. I have recently retired and now live full-time in Grampound. Apart from having an interest helping in the proposed Grampound community shop, I have not yet had time to join any clubs or organisations; neither do I have children of school age. As such, I am totally unbiased towards any organisation or group that would seek funding and feel that I would be able to contribute well to the panel.