Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Grampound Community Fund launched

The first meeting of the advisory panel set up to advise on the distribution of funds from the Garlenick Wind Turbines met on Friday 10th January. The five elected members (Brian Coode, Peter Hardacre, Geoff Hodgson, Roger Paynter, Jane Sloan), the County Councillor (Bob Egerton), and the Parish Council representative (Dean Jenkins) met to agree the terms of reference for the group, considered the criteria for the two available funds this forthcoming year, the likely timetable for applications, and the name of the fund.

Geoff Hodgson was elected chair of the group and the name of the fund was decided as "Grampound Community Fund". Bob Egerton was elected as administrator to the group to liaise with Grantscape the charity chosen by Airvolution to administer the fund. It was agreed that an information notice will be delivered to all residents of Grampound with Creed in coming weeks. Drop-in sessions will be scheduled to help explain the different criteria and the application process.